
Twitch Shuts Down 贾斯汀.tv, Prepares for Google Acquisition

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贾斯汀.tv, one of the first live video streaming services, is no more. Parent company Twitch Interactive pulled the plug on the site, its apps, and its API, as the 贾斯汀.tv homepage announced yesterday. Twitch Interactive is now putting all of its resources behind Twitch, the announcement said. Twitch is in the process of being acquired by Google for a 报告价值10亿美元, so this looks to be part of the trimming and pruning that takes place before a sale.

Account holders won't be able to download their 贾斯汀.以电视视频为网站 discontinued video archiving in June, saying that archived videos were rarely watched. Instead, account holders can complete a form linked on the 贾斯汀.tv homepage to transfer their accounts to Twitch. The request must be made by September 5, and Twitch is for gaming content only. Paid account holders should have already gotten an email explaining how to get a refund. As for account holders who don't create gaming content, the 贾斯汀.tv homepage directs them to YouTube, Ustream, and Livestream.

贾斯汀 Kan created 贾斯汀.tv in 2007 as a way to broadcast his life around the clock. It was later the launching ground for i贾斯汀e, who became an online video star.

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