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Edgix Launches Operations in Europe

Edgix Corporation (www.edgix.com), today announced the official opening of its European operations. Edgix states that it decided to establish it office in Amsterdam to take advantage of the growing market opportunity for Edge Services in Europe. Edgix has named Frank de Badts as the director of European operations to head Edgix's expansion in the region.

According to Forrester projections, there will be nearly 60 million European users online by 2003. In fact, Datamonitor predicts that European Internet usage will increase by 250 percent by that same year, resulting in increasing pressures on ISPs.

Edgix believes it will be well positioned for this growth opportunity, having invested in the scalability of its Edge Delivery Network early on. Edgix states that they choose to locate their European office in Amsterdam so as to benefit from the country's strategic location in Europe, its advanced Internet-ready environment, and its multilingual work force.

Frank de Badts brings more than 10 years of experience in European business operations to Edgix's senior management team. Leading Edgix's European expansion efforts, de Badts will manage business development with overseas partners and customers. Prior to joining Edgix, he was executive vice president of business services at chello broadband where he was in charge of creating new business services. De Badts also held senior positions at Microsoft's European headquarters where he implemented strategic partnerships with major Telcos and ISPs in the area of interactive television, MSN network infrastructure, Internet client/server products, WebTV and E-Commerce solutions.

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