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Lighting is the single most important determinant of video quality. 幸运的是, the cost of quality lighting gear has plummeted over the last few years. 有了一点知识, 我在这里提供, 预算非常有限, you can provide great lighting for your online conferences, 在线研讨会, 和演示.


There are two factors to consider when buying lighting gear. 首先是色温. All light bulbs have a color temperature defined on the Kelvin (K) scale (下面的图1). These range from “warm” light sources like candles and incandescent bulbs to cooler temperatures typically delivered via fluorescent, 紧凑型荧光灯, 或LED灯. If you’re a filmmaker, you might choose a color temperature to set a mood or create an impression. 然而, 如果你是拍摄商业用途, your primary concern is to make sure that all light sources share the same color temperature. 否则, 你将无法有效地实现白平衡, 你的部分镜框可能会掉色.

图1. 常用光源的色温(frostelectric.com/colortemplight)

幸运的是, 这对大多数制作人来说都不是问题, because incandescent lighting fixtures 与 really warm tones are no longer prevalent. 大多数办公室都使用荧光灯照明,000 K–5,600 K射程, and as long as you supplement this 与 bulbs of similar color temperatures, 你的身体应该很好. As shown in 图1, you can buy CFL, fluorescent, and LED bulbs in multiple color temperatures. 如果你要买一套照明设备  现有的办公灯, identify the color temperature of the bulbs you’ll be matching before you purchase.


The second bulb-related factor is the 显色指数 (CRI) score, which measures the ability of an artificial light source to accurately reveal colors in comparison 与 a natural light source. 分数越高越好, 与 a score of 80 deemed acceptable and 90 considered “high-CRI.”

你可以看到影响 图2 (下图); as the CRI increases, the colors get more vivid. The bottom line is that whenever you buy a light kit or light bulb, you should track down the CRI score and make sure it’s as high as possible.

图2. CRI对色彩鲜艳度的影响(standardpro.com/colours-of-store-merchandise)


With these basics in place, let’s look at how affordable lighting has evolved over the years. 回到2005年左右, 大多数灯具都是白炽灯, like the Lowel Tota Light (now available as an LED) shown in 图3 (下图). These smallish fixtures used tungsten incandescent bulbs that generated
强烈的光和强烈的热. Think back to shop lights you might have used during that time period, and you get the idea.

图3. 三代照明工具

Incandescent bulbs have a fixed color temperature that you could only change by applying a gel, 本质上是一块彩色的薄塑料, 在灯具上. You also typically had to diffuse the light 与 some kind of material or fixture; otherwise, 光线太强,太刺眼了. 整体, the power of these lights made them a great light source, 但是高温使它们很难处理. Today, few, if any, light kits use incandescent bulbs.

接下来是节能灯, which included a bulb and a softbox to focus the light (see the Alzo Digital Softbox in the middle of 图3).These implements were much larger than incandescent fixtures, 但是产生的光少得多, 幸运的是, 更少的热量. The softboxes were cumbersome and top-heavy on their stands, so they tended to fall over if accidentally pushed and had to be placed closer to the subject because of the comparatively weak output.

比如白炽灯泡, CFL灯泡有固定的色温, but the sheer size of the softbox complicated applying gels. The light was also hard to direct because it’s very difficult to apply fixtures like the barn doors shown on the Lowel Tota Light to a softbox. While there still are many kits that use CFL bulbs and softboxes, LED lights are taking over.

虽然没有白炽灯那么强大, LED lighting fixtures are much smaller than CFL fixtures and more rigid, which simplifies attaching gels and barn doors, 如果需要. They’re also less cumbersome than softboxes and less easy to tip over.

LED灯都有一个单一的色温, 而是把这三个结合起来,200k和5,一个灯具上有600k的灯泡, you can dial in any color temperature between the two by adjusting the relative intensity of the different colored bulbs. That’s why you see both orange and white bulbs in the Genaray Spectro shown on the right in 图3. The downside of this approach is that you split the bulb strength and the amount of generated light. 这是, 如果你买了一个500个灯泡的灯具,600 K温度, you would get twice the output of a fixture that mixed 250 3,200k灯泡和250k灯泡,600k灯泡.

With LED lights, the number of bulbs roughly translates to the intensity that each fixture produces. 你会看到, the lights you’ll consider to boost your webcam image feature 60–70 bulbs, 这应该足够了, because the light will be so close to your face. Larger lights for traditional shoots will typically include 480–1,000 bulbs.

了解了这些基础知识之后, let’s look at the most common lighting scenario for businesses: webcam use for conferencing or 在线研讨会.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Action cams remain a popular option for action sports (of course), 观点视频, 无人驾驶飞机, 水下视频捕捉, and vlogging applications where a front-facing screen makes a difference. GoPro's Hero 9 Black still grabs most of the headlines, but other contenders round out a thriving and reasonably diverse action-cam market.