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Instinctive Launches Account-Based TV Advertising to Help B2B Businesses Expand Their Reach

Instinctive (http://instinctive.io), an account-based marketing (ABM) firm, today launched Account-Based TV, a new service designed to serve highly-targeted advertisements via connected TV devices.

Using its ABM Platform as a foundation, Instinctive will work with clients to place ads through smart TVs as well as devices such as Roku, Amazon Fire Stick, and Apple TV. Its proprietary precision targeting technology starts with a data-gathering tag installed by Instinctive on a customer's website. From there, it builds an intelligent client-specific B2B device graph for accurate, specialized targeting.

According to research from eMarketer, there will be over 180 million connected TV users in 2019. Moreover, research conducted by IPG Media Lab demonstrated that unaided recall of ads served through connected TV devices is nearly four times higher than those delivered through standard TV ads.

"Instinctive challenges a ‘prohibitively expensive' B2B advertising landscape. Traditionally, television advertising for B2B audiences has been limited to large organizations, like IBM and Microsoft," said Henry Lau, Co-Founder and Head of Partnerships, Instinctive. "The problem is that B2B businesses are trying to reach a much narrower audience. At any given time, you might have less than 2% of your target market tuned in to an advertising spot - and that's if you're lucky."

Instinctive also maps account- and household-level engagement so clients know exactly who they've reached, how, and when. TV spots work on a cost per completed view model, with Instinctive guaranteeing delivery and absorbing all risks around video completion.

"Brands inherently understand the power of television, but many of them haven't had real access to it until now," says Lau. "What we're seeing with streaming services and connected devices is a new opportunity to democratize advertising for B2B brands. We're able to reduce the cost of targeted B2B TV advertising by up to 95%, and we're already running several pilots."

"B2B brands are looking for different channels through which they can really reach their customers, and this is an effective way of accomplishing that," he continues. "Our new platform builds brand equity in an environment where the audience is not surrounded by the chaos of work. It's been exciting to see how much progress we've made and how much interest we've generated by providing such an opportunity - something many brands have never had before. Our addition of B2B TV extends our leadership as the only omnichannel account-based media activation platform available today."

About Instinctive
Instinctive is an account-based marketing (ABM) firm that helps brands identify, engage and close new business faster. The company's platform helps marketing and sales teams work together in unison to drive more revenue. Clients can execute their ABM strategies through an API, a full-featured console, and over 150 integrations with top programmatic vendors. Founded in 2014, the company is based in New York City and Los Angeles. For more information, visit http://instinctive.io

Industry Announcements's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.net

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