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3 Tips for Making the Most of the LinkedIn and Vimeo Integration

Vimeo, the world's largest ad-free open video platform, recently announced integration with LinkedIn that enables broader and more effective distribution from its platform to the professional network.

The Vimeo feature, titled "Publish to Social," allows users to natively publish videos with a single click from their Vimeo account to their LinkedIn Company Page, as well as other destinations.

While syndication tools can help streamline the efforts of a video workflow, we've always believed that creating native content for each platform is the best way to get results with each online video. However, this integration is a big benefit because it allows for users to publish Vimeo videos as native posts to LinkedIn with one click.

"Social platforms favor native uploads, so content creators who natively publish their videos from Vimeo to LinkedIn can increase their reach and engagement with relevant professional audiences across the LinkedIn platform," according to Vimeo.

LinkedIn is also a bit different than other social channels like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram because it features a more highly engaged audience thanks to its focus solely on B2B marketing.

LinkedInUsing this workflow is ideal for marketers who prefer the high-quality display of Vimeo and leverage LinkedIn to promote videos on topics like brand culture, recruitment, education, news, and events for the platform's 562 million business-minded people

This feature is available to all Vimeo paid subscribers, including Plus, PRO, Business, and Premium members. Publishing native videos to personal LinkedIn profiles is not currently supported.

"Video has become one of the key drivers for member engagement on LinkedIn, and businesses who want to start a conversation with their audiences are increasingly turning to Company Page videos," says Peter Roybal, principal product manager at LinkedIn.

Company Page video is five times more likely than other types of content to start a conversation among members, based on results from a beta program LinkedIn ran when it released the feature earlier in 2018.

Thanks to the buzz from this new feature, we're sharing three tips that brands and publishers can take advantage of when promoting their content on Vimeo and LinkedIn.

Publish to Social Analytics

One of the most powerful highlights of the integration is that it allows publishers to view performance metrics on the Vimeo dashboard.

LinkedInOnce users have connected their LinkedIn account with Vimeo, they can track performance and viewership to measure the impact of video campaigns

This is the first integration of this kind for LinkedIn. It's also ideal for those marketers who are looking to use Vimeo as a central hub for distributing their videos. You can track the stats and engagement of each video on particular platforms right from the Vimeo dashboard, while also comparing video performance across those social channels.

Another great feature of having these metrics in one place is that it allows your brand to refine online video marketing strategies by comparing each platform side-by-side.

Educate Your LinkedIn Audience

On top of LinkedIn being considered the professional social media channel, the platform has made large investments in becoming a hub for education. Its purchase of Lynda.com (aka LinkedIn Learning) in 2015 made it a huge player in online learning and training.

LinkedInMarketers should take note of this fact. Publishers can benefit by posting their video content on product tutorials, how-tos, training, and other educational themes to their company pages.

Of course, YouTube is still the number one search engine when it comes to online video, but keep in mind that a majority of viewers are going to YouTube to be entertained. LinkedIn offers a nice alternative for users, who are looking for more professional education and training.

Companies can take advantage of LinkedIn groups and networks, which allow for sharing videos to target specific topics or niches in an industry. Posting relevant video content in these destinations can help position your company as a thought leader and industry expert.

Additionally, companies can use these distribution strategies to help with recruiting talent. Not only can you spotlight company culture, news, and products, but you can also create conversation and engagement with potential employees. As with any platform, consistency and quality contribute to a successful LinkedIn video campaign.

Other Helpful Features

While there are several other ways to use Vimeo and LinkedIn in your online video strategy, below is a list of some of the important details to know when using the new platform integration.There are technical specifications that should be considered for video workflows.

  • Maximum file size: 5GB

  • Minimum file size: 75KB

  • Minimum video duration: 3 seconds

  • Maximum video duration: 10 minutes

  • Resolution range: 256x144 to 4096x2304

  • Aspect ratio: 1:2.4 - 2.4:1

  • Maximum frame rate: 60 fps

Also, take note that deleting a video on Vimeo will not remove it from any platforms you've already published to, including LinkedIn. If you need to delete a video, you'll need to remove it from each social platform individually.

LinkedInLooking ahead, brands should be excited about the moves both of these platforms have made in recent years. Specifically, live streaming capabilities could become part of this integration package. Vimeo made headlines with its acquisition of Livestream in 2017, a streaming service that's focused on enabling organizations to share experiences through live video

The Vimeo and Livestream integration is still in the early stages, but their original announcement stated that integrations include the ability to stream via Vimeo Live using Livestream tools (i.e. Mevo and Studio). Capabilities will also include direct access to every feature that both of these platforms offer, like powerful distribution and marketing tools; monetization opportunities for rental, purchase, or subscription; and over-the-top (OTT) technology.

One has to be curious if this would apply to another integration involving streaming to LinkedIn via Vimeo. This, in addition to the big video pushes that Microsoft-owned LinkedIn has made, has us all wondering what will be possible in the near future.

Think about the chance to share live tutorials, demonstrations, and Q&A-style content via the two platforms. Currently, LinkedIn doesn't have a perfect live-streaming model. It does allow for live video via its mobile app, but it's not ideal for large organizations looking to produce longer-form content.

Stay tuned to OnlineVideo.net as we continue to report on these new features between Vimeo and LinkedIn.

Stjepan Alaupovic's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.net

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