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Exodus Announces Performance Monitoring For All Platforms

Exodus Communications, a Web hosting company who recently began offering managed services in the measurement of streaming quality, announced the expansion of its performance monitoring service to include the measurement of Real Networks and Microsoft streaming media formats. Last June, the Santa Clara-based company launched its streaming measurement service for the Apple QuickTime format.

The company announced that the services are "tentatively scheduled to be commercially available" early next year.

Designed to give companies quantifiable information in the quality of how a user experiences streaming media, Exodus' monitoring service helps in identifying poor quality, and offers solutions to remedy such problems as packet loss, jittering and other performance issue.

"As Web-based businesses begin to add more sophisticated multimedia content to their sites, the availability of a comprehensive, versatile streaming performance solution that provides information in real-time becomes crucial," said Andy Kamlet, director of product management for Exodus, in a statement.

The measurement of streaming quality has emerged as a niche business for not only Exodus, but also for competitors Keynote Systems and Streamcheck.

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