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Artec to release new XentauriX

Artec, a Germany-based streaming technology company, is to release version two of its XentauriX media control and management platform in September.

The hardware and software platform can apparently record, store and then stream video and audio, providing automatic archiving and load balancing. Version two has been upgraded with search functionality, automatic insertion of highlights and remote recording across all formats (MPEG, Apple, Real, Microsoft) according to Artec. The platform is to cost around £30,000, depending on the implementation. Version one is currently used by banks, media companies and corporates across Europe.

Bernhard Hochgrassl, Artec sales director, said: ‘Several version one customers are broadcasters, and our new remote recording facility should be useful here. For example, CNN Asia records using our platform, storing the content for on-demand streaming later.’

Hochgrassl continued: ‘Another interesting aspect is that our embedded player has both live and on-demand options on screen, allowing ISPs to charge for two stream concurrently. We are working with T-online, Akamai and Telia to develop this area, perhaps offering a pay-per view section for end users.’


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