
Nonlinear Video Editors for Streaming Postproduction

也许在Premiere Pro中影响最深远的新功能是音频到文本的功能. In my tests with good mic’d audio, accuracy was in the 90%–95% range. 当然准确到足以帮助您搜索和找到视频部分,而编辑和转录一个伟大的开始. Editing the text in Premiere Pro is painful; you have to edit a word at a time to preserve the link between the text and the underlying audio. 当然, 您可以将整个抄本复制并粘贴到文字处理器中,以创建完整的抄本, but then you can’t match the text back to the audio.

If you’re an ActionScript programmer, you can create a Flash presentation that includes the video, audio, 和文本,让观众搜索视频的部分基于文本. 对于非程序员来说,Adobe承诺将使这项任务变得更加容易. However you get there, 将音频转换为文本,然后将其链接到播放器中的视频,这是一个可以改变新闻的杀手级功能, 娱乐, and knowledge-based applications.

For those interested in enhanced ingest, Adobe ported OnLocation to the Mac, 所以现在它可以在两个操作系统上运行——不再是Boot Camp或Par所有els了. Adobe also upgraded OnLocation’s graphical interface, 将CS3笨拙的人造硬件外观转变为传统软件程序的外观,这是一个可爱的升级.

其他新增功能包括输入镜头列表以及添加和存储镜头相关元数据的功能. 例如, you can mark a shot as good or bad and add descriptive 信息, OnLocation将添加所有可识别的相机相关信息. When you open the clips in Premiere Pro, 您可以按输入的数据进行搜索,并使用新的元数据面板编辑或展开此信息.

整体, with Premiere Pro CS4, Adobe专注于减缓生产过程的工作流程障碍,并似乎最小化或消除了几乎所有这些障碍. It also upgraded AME to a worthy stand-alone product, enhanced OnLocation significantly, and added significant functionality to Premiere Pro. 除非你是一个完全休闲的制作人,否则这是我所见过的最简单的升级.

Apple Final Cut Studio
Apple had a great year as well. 苹果公司在iPhone 3g上市的第一个周末就卖出了100万台, announced that iTunes was "Number Two Music Retailer" in the U.S., and shipped the MacBook Air—"The World’s Thinnest Notebook." Oh, yeah, this is supposed to be about editing. 我很遗憾地告诉大家,在这方面没有多少积极的产品相关新闻.

苹果在2007年发布了《百家乐软件》. Notable new features included intermediate format ProRes, color-grading tool Color, the Open Format Timeline, and a revamped Compressor. 令人惊讶的是, Apple stayed pat with DVD Studio Pro, which still doesn’t support Blu-ray Disc authoring, a critical deficit for many HD producers.

2008年苹果公司最大的视频编辑相关新闻是,该公司证实了他们将不会在美国全国广播协会(National Association of Broadcasting)展会上设立展台的传言, the industry’s annual pilgrimage to Las Vegas. According to Apple spokesman Anuj Nayar, "Apple is participating in fewer trade shows every year, because often there are better ways for us to reach our customers. The increasing popularity of Apple’s retail stores and Apple.Com网站使我们能够以创新的新方式直接接触到全球超过1亿的客户."

Final Cut Pro在摄取过程中将AVCHD转换为ProRes,这有点耗时但效率很高.

人们对苹果的声明反应不一,有人声称苹果正在放弃其专业应用程序或将其出售,也有人承认,考虑到苹果目前的市场份额,这是一个有效的商业决策, that there are other avenues for reaching target customers, 也许,它只是没有什么重要的新功能可以宣布. The only addition to the suite in 2008 was Final Cut Server, 苹果在2007年发布了一款工作流自动化工具,并于2008年第三季度发布.

Since there’s little hard news, and Apple simply ain’t talking, 回顾一下pro应用程序的战略重要性在过去几年中是如何变化的,这是有指导意义的. Back in the pre-iPod, pre-iTunes, 和iphone问世前的日子, Apple’s key target customer was the creative professional, more to drive high-end desktop computer sales ($2.而不是出售软件本身,这给微软带来了5亿美元的不知名分成 所有 software sales in 2004, not just pro apps. 《百家乐app下载》的成功对苹果为这些创意专业人士提供的服务至关重要, and Apple executed and succeeded brilliantly.

Since 2004, much has happened. Apple launched Intel-based Macs, 提供与Windows电脑同等的性能,让这两个操作系统在各自的优点上展开竞争, which became lots easier once Microsoft shipped Vista. 更重要的是,苹果在消费电子领域以17美元取得了惊人的成功.该公司2007财年收入的71%来自便携式设备、ipod、iTunes和iphone. No wonder Apple dropped "Computer" from its name.

Apple no longer breaks out software sales, but sales of software, 服务, and other sales totaled $1.5 billion in 2007, less than double the company’s total from 2004. Since 2004, desktop computer sales have increased from $2.4 to $4.0 billion, while iPod sales jumped from $1.3 to $8.30亿年. 显然,服务创意专业人士的战略价值已经发生了变化.

What’s also changed is that 所有 competing video editing products, particularly Premiere Pro on the Mac, have become so advanced as to become function所有y generic—they capture, 他们削减, 他们可以修正, 它们呈现——而且大多数生产者只使用其中可用的高级工具的一小部分. 这就像微软的Word:如果你使用了超过5%的功能,请举手. 确定, 有一群先进的视频制作人,他们真正推动了特性/功能的发展, 但他们中的绝大多数可以使用任何编辑器来制作他们的视频.

To an increasing degree, 视频编辑已经成为一个品牌,编辑们选择它来帮助定义自己和他们的工作. DASANI or evian, Johnnie Walker or Mac所有an, Levi’s or Gucci? 嘿, they quench your thirst, 让你兴奋起来, and cover your butt—is there any consequential, truly meaningful difference between them? Software video editors produce video; they don’t turn you into Spielberg or the Coen brothers, and there’s a clear distinction between justifiable, commercial necessity and simple brand preference.

最终,对于越来越多的用户来说,这将归结为价值. 并通过使用Photoshop和After Effects作为其产品套件的锚租户, Adobe can almost throw Premiere Pro in for free, 此外,还实现了其他供应商无法比拟的套件间集成. So if you were the $1,他是一名顾问,为史蒂夫·乔布斯提供建议,告诉他如何分配他才华横溢的工程百家乐软件, 你是否会建议他投资iTunes、iDevice或Final Cut Studio等独特的垄断产品?

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